Hypnosis for Personal Exploration

 Hypnosis for Personal Exploration

In past months we have looked at hypnosis and NLP and how they can help people make changes in their lives at the subconscious level. Once the change is accepted by the subconscious mind unconscious behavioral changes are the result. Weve talked about the three most common reasons a person comes to see a hypnotist, to stop smoking to lose weight and to reduce the stress in their lives. There are hundreds if not thousands of other potential uses of hypnosis from pain management to improving focus, from improving your communication to the elimination of specific fears. On the edge there are other uses for hypnosis. Uses such as entertainment and past life regression.

As New Age thinking and beliefs become more accepted, the edge is beginning to become mainstream. More and more people are looking to hypnosis as a way to learn about themselves. For some this means taking a trip into deep hypnosis, where the veil that separates the conscious and subconscious mind is lifted. There is also the ability to take a trip into a past life. I may have lost some of you already, but for those that have stayed this far let me say that whether you believe in reincarnation or the existence...


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