how to mentally clean your aura

 how to mentally clean your aura

There are 7 layers in our aura. When we use meditation and try to ‘clean’ it, we have to clean every layer. Many new age mystics just tell you imagine and visualise a white light coming down and engulfing your whole aura, this sometimes does’t work well. I usually clean every layer as I go along. Start by doing some kind of relaxation procedure like counting 1 to 10 or say to yourself, upstairs, downstairs, over and over again until you feel bored and sleepy,or you can get some relaxation music to help you get to alpha or theta brain states. Once you done that, mentally say to yourself " I am at level 1′ and move your awareness from head to toe or vice versa, the idea is to scan your level 1 for blockages, once you sense ‘something there’, move your awareness to it, it should ‘melt’ or disperse. If it is still there, try breathing it colors, you have to experiment with the color that will remove the block, repeat the same procedure with all other level, eg. I am level 2, I am in Level 3, When you say this, you are telling your mind to adjust to the next level using intent, Intent is the force that changes the level.


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